Manitou Utility Bucket (Compact machines)
- Increased capacity for materials with a medium density (<1,5 t/m³ / 94 lb/ft³).
- Strong construction for intensive loading applications.
- 400 HB wear plate & side plates.
- Versatile bucket, especially interesting for rental operations.
Download technical sheetCapacities
BU 920 / 210 | BU 1080 / 250 | BU 1380 / 380 | BU 1520 / 430 | BU 1680 / 590 | BU 1680 / 790 | BU 1760 / 690 | BU 1760 / 740 | BU 1760 / 830 | BU 1830 / 720 | BU 1830 / 780 | BU 1850 / 900 | BU 1880 / 900 | BU 2080 / 1010 | BU 2140 / 1050 (a) | BU 2140 / 1050 (b) | |
Capacity | 694 lb | 827 lb | 1257 lb | 1422 lb | 1951 lb | 2612 lb | 2282 lb | 2447 lb | 2745 lb | 2381 lb | 2579 lb | 2976 lb | 2976 lb | 3340 lb | 3472 lb | 3472 lb |
Heaped capacity | 55 US gal | 66 US gal | 100 US gal | 114 US gal | 156 US gal | 209 US gal | 182 US gal | 195 US gal | 219 US gal | 190 US gal | 206 US gal | 238 US gal | 238 US gal | 267 US gal | 277 US gal | 277 US gal |
BU 920 / 210
694 lb
Heaped capacity
55 US gal
BU 1080 / 250
827 lb
Heaped capacity
66 US gal
BU 1380 / 380
1257 lb
Heaped capacity
100 US gal
BU 1520 / 430
1422 lb
Heaped capacity
114 US gal
BU 1680 / 590
1951 lb
Heaped capacity
156 US gal
BU 1680 / 790
2612 lb
Heaped capacity
209 US gal
BU 1760 / 690
2282 lb
Heaped capacity
182 US gal
BU 1760 / 740
2447 lb
Heaped capacity
195 US gal
BU 1760 / 830
2745 lb
Heaped capacity
219 US gal
BU 1830 / 720
2381 lb
Heaped capacity
190 US gal
BU 1830 / 780
2579 lb
Heaped capacity
206 US gal
BU 1850 / 900
2976 lb
Heaped capacity
238 US gal
BU 1880 / 900
2976 lb
Heaped capacity
238 US gal
BU 2080 / 1010
3340 lb
Heaped capacity
267 US gal
BU 2140 / 1050 (a)
3472 lb
Heaped capacity
277 US gal
BU 2140 / 1050 (b)
3472 lb
Heaped capacity
277 US gal
BU 920 / 210 | BU 1080 / 250 | BU 1380 / 380 | BU 1680 / 590 | BU 1760 / 690 | BU 1760 / 740 | BU 1830 / 720 | BU 1830 / 780 | BU 1880 / 900 | BU 2080 / 1010 | BU 2140 / 1050 (a) | BU 2140 / 1050 (b) | |
Overall weight | 128 lb | 132 lb | 322 lb | 551 lb | 562 lb | 463 lb | 573 lb | 496 lb | 794 lb | 816 lb | 833 lb | 833 lb |
BU 920 / 210
Overall weight
128 lb
BU 1080 / 250
Overall weight
132 lb
BU 1380 / 380
Overall weight
322 lb
BU 1680 / 590
Overall weight
551 lb
BU 1760 / 690
Overall weight
562 lb
BU 1760 / 740
Overall weight
463 lb
BU 1830 / 720
Overall weight
573 lb
BU 1830 / 780
Overall weight
496 lb
BU 1880 / 900
Overall weight
794 lb
BU 2080 / 1010
Overall weight
816 lb
BU 2140 / 1050 (a)
Overall weight
833 lb
BU 2140 / 1050 (b)
Overall weight
833 lb
Weight and dimensions
BU 920 / 210 | BU 1080 / 250 | BU 1380 / 380 | BU 1520 / 430 | BU 1680 / 590 | BU 1680 / 790 | BU 1760 / 690 | BU 1760 / 740 | BU 1760 / 830 | BU 1830 / 720 | BU 1830 / 780 | BU 1850 / 900 | BU 1880 / 900 | BU 2080 / 1010 | BU 2140 / 1050 (a) | BU 2140 / 1050 (b) | |
Overall height | 18 in | 18 in | 21 in | 21 in | 23 in | 29 in | 25 in | 26 in | 29 in | 25 in | 26 in | 29 in | 29 in | 29 in | 29 in | 29 in |
Width | 36 in | 43 in | 54 in | 60 in | 66 in | 66 in | 69 in | 69 in | 69 in | 72 in | 72 in | 73 in | 74 in | 82 in | 84 in | 84 in |
Depth | 35 in | 35 in | 35 in | 35 in | 37 in | 42 in | 37 in | 38 in | 42 in | 37 in | 38 in | 42 in | 42 in | 42 in | 42 in | 42 in |
BU 920 / 210
Overall height
18 in
36 in
35 in
BU 1080 / 250
Overall height
18 in
43 in
35 in
BU 1380 / 380
Overall height
21 in
54 in
35 in
BU 1520 / 430
Overall height
21 in
60 in
35 in
BU 1680 / 590
Overall height
23 in
66 in
37 in
BU 1680 / 790
Overall height
29 in
66 in
42 in
BU 1760 / 690
Overall height
25 in
69 in
37 in
BU 1760 / 740
Overall height
26 in
69 in
38 in
BU 1760 / 830
Overall height
29 in
69 in
42 in
BU 1830 / 720
Overall height
25 in
72 in
37 in
BU 1830 / 780
Overall height
26 in
72 in
38 in
BU 1850 / 900
Overall height
29 in
73 in
42 in
BU 1880 / 900
Overall height
29 in
74 in
42 in
BU 2080 / 1010
Overall height
29 in
82 in
42 in
BU 2140 / 1050 (a)
Overall height
29 in
84 in
42 in
BU 2140 / 1050 (b)
Overall height
29 in
84 in
42 in
Working Parameters
BU 920 / 210 | BU 1080 / 250 | BU 1380 / 380 | BU 1520 / 430 | BU 1680 / 590 | BU 1680 / 790 | BU 1760 / 690 | BU 1760 / 740 | BU 1760 / 830 | BU 1830 / 720 | BU 1830 / 780 | BU 1850 / 900 | BU 1880 / 900 | BU 2080 / 1010 | BU 2140 / 1050 (a) | BU 2140 / 1050 (b) | |
Machine Equipment | No predisposition required | No predisposition required | No predisposition required | No predisposition required | No predisposition required | No predisposition required | No predisposition required | No predisposition required | No predisposition required | No predisposition required | No predisposition required | No predisposition required | No predisposition required | No predisposition required | No predisposition required | No predisposition required |
BU 920 / 210
Machine Equipment
No predisposition required
BU 1080 / 250
Machine Equipment
No predisposition required
BU 1380 / 380
Machine Equipment
No predisposition required
BU 1520 / 430
Machine Equipment
No predisposition required
BU 1680 / 590
Machine Equipment
No predisposition required
BU 1680 / 790
Machine Equipment
No predisposition required
BU 1760 / 690
Machine Equipment
No predisposition required
BU 1760 / 740
Machine Equipment
No predisposition required
BU 1760 / 830
Machine Equipment
No predisposition required
BU 1830 / 720
Machine Equipment
No predisposition required
BU 1830 / 780
Machine Equipment
No predisposition required
BU 1850 / 900
Machine Equipment
No predisposition required
BU 1880 / 900
Machine Equipment
No predisposition required
BU 2080 / 1010
Machine Equipment
No predisposition required
BU 2140 / 1050 (a)
Machine Equipment
No predisposition required
BU 2140 / 1050 (b)
Machine Equipment
No predisposition required

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